About Us

We are proud to be one of the few healthcare clean room companies in the world with a dedicated pool of highly qualified professionals from various facets of hospital clean room designing & planning.

MAHASNOW SAGAR SYSTEMS is one of the leading specialized TURNKEY PROJECT PROVIDERS for Clean Room, Pharmaceuticals, Hospital, Food & Beverage, Fire Alarms, Sprinklers, CCTV surveillance, hospitals and nursing homes in the area of operation theatres, ICUs, NICUs, IVF Centre and Ventilation Systems. Designed to perfection, these projects are widely appreciated for timely-execution and efficiency. To cater to the diversified demands of the clients, we render these services as per the clients' requirement.

Awesome facts, We provide best services for your Success.

512 Satisfied Clients
910 Projects Done
313 Experts Members
We are Professionals

MS3 Experts Team

Managing Director

Nilesh Panchal